16 Marketing Automation Platforms Your Organization Should Consider For Your Business

Automation Platforms: To start let us learn what is marketing automation? Marketing Automation generally uses different types of software to automate repetitive marketing work. The marketing departments are capable of automating monotonous tasks such as social media posting, email marketing, ad campaigns, etc. This work is carried out to improve the efficiency as well as personalized experience of the customers.

Advantages of using marketing automation:

With the use of marketing automation, the tasks become faster and easier to be carried out. When digital marketing strategies are used we see that the top priority of any agency will be to generate quality leads and keep the customers engaged on any particular website. 

In this process, there is a lot of data being collected which if not segregated properly will be of no use. Now comes the actual work of marketing automation software, this software will help in putting the data work by work by streamlining proper workflows. 

The top 16 automation tools used in marketing are as follows:

1. Omnisend

2. Marketo

3. Eloqua

4. Hubspot

5. Pardot

6. Active Campaign

7. Mailchimp

8. Automizy

9. Constant Contact

10. Customer.io

11. Drip

12. Hootsuite 

13. Buffer

14. Coschedule

15. Sprout social 

16. Mention

Many businesses believe that marketing automation is a middle funnel tool that is ideal for taking care of leads while automating email sequences. Meanwhile, email marketing is considered a great tool of marketing automation its approach can lead to disconnected experiences for customers and clients as their intention will shift from marketing to sales then to customer service. 

Marketing automation strategies must be incorporated throughout the customer lifecycle. Through properly integrated automation, it can be used for keeping the client owner relation healthy and stress-free in the long time run

When automated marketing is used at its full length, it will provide your business with three main benefits such as:

Workflow personalization: Automation Platforms

Personalization of the workflows means reaching out to the customers according to their needs. Through automation marketing software it will be easy to channel the behavior of the client. This will enable us to the delivery right content at the right time. 

Through the quality content, there is a boost in incoming leads for your product, these leads can easily be converted to customers. The process of automation marketing doesn’t stop here, with proper use of tools and personalized strategies the customers can become loyal assets to the company. 

1. Streamlining the processes:

Automation Platforms: Streamlining the processes will help in keeping your customers together right at the center. Processes are built in such a way that different teams work together to reduce the effort of the customer at every stage. With streamlining there is absolutely no need of complicating hand-off procedures as everything is automatically saved in the central data storage and the internal workflows will assist you in prioritizing the tasks as needed. 

2. Integrating data and analytics:

Through the use of automation marketing software, businesses can deeply understand their customers and their needs. With quick action, they can also win the trust of their clients. If the customers are kept engaged through the right service then you can even expect more leads for your product. Winning the trust of the customer is very important when it comes to online marketing. 

When to invest in marketing automation:

The right time to invest in marketing automation is when there is a good flow of leads as a result of your efforts. It is now time to focus on a marketing automation strategy that will nurture the quality of your leads and conversion rate. 

Investing at the right time is very important, for example, if your page is not well developed and not attracting audiences as required and you opt for automation strategies then it will be a waste of time and energy. There will not be any positive outcome.

There has to be a steady increase in the engagement of the audience on your website to take some action against the leads that are generated. Hence keeping a digital marketing agent for consultation is very important at every step. 

FAQ: Automation Platforms

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is the use of software that will help in reducing the work that is repetitive in any business. Be it email, messages, or any task related to marketing. 

Why is marketing automation important?

By the use of marketing, automation businesses tend to reduce their workload, invest time in more creative work, and target generating quality leads for their product.

Which marketing automation is best for my business?

When choosing the marketing automation tool, do not focus on individual features rather see the long-term results and positive outcomes. Consult your digital marketing agent for knowing the best tool according to your business. 

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