What are the benefits of Web Design?

Why Is Web Design Important?

It’s the website design that creates the most important of the impressions when a visitor reaches your site for the first time. As per the human psychology, whenever a visitor is provided with a brief span of 15 minutes, more than 65% of the people, (and that’s a huge majority), would prefer surfing the web pages that are beautifully designed rather than the ones with plain and simple appearances.

Needless to say, the first impression leaves a highly important and longer lasting an impact on the human psyche. If you are not greeted well by a stranger, or say, your greetings are not reciprocated well, there is a good chance that you would not like to convert the meeting with the stranger into a long lasting acquaintance.
And the same applies to the web design as well. In case, a visitor to the site simply feels turned off, he is very likely to acquire the information he had been looking for elsewhere. And you would not like to lose a lead (that might be converted to a potential client) to your competitors.

Thus, a good website is not only essential to survive across the web, but to push the competition towards the margin and flourish as well. And it’s here that a web designing company comes into the picture.

What are the benefits of web design?

Your choice of the web design company may make or mar your business. Apart from leaving an excellent impact on the psyche of the leads, (quite a number of them may be potential clients), the website development company that you choose to get your website designed or redesigned, as the case might stand, accomplishes a lot more for your business.

Here are the major benefits that your business website may enjoy because of the web design:

1. SEO: An excellent web design enhances the advantages of SEO for your website. A good web design is the one that apart from other considerations, never forgets the search engine crawlers and algorithms. Thus, it gets easier for the search engines including Google to crawl over and index your website. A perfect web design is always SEO friendly. Apart from the code, there are several other factors that help the website gain a high rank in the search engine result pages. The content, comprising logically placed keywords and well-placed graphics, relevant videos, apart from the paid traffic (e.g., PPC) etc., add up to the search engine optimization. Besides taking care of all these factors, the web design should also take care that the users find the site easily navigable. Apart from being SEO friendly, the website design should be user friendly also.

2. It sends the right message across the audience: A well-designed and appealing website sends the right kind of message across the audience by making them feel welcome. Besides, several other factors including the links that can be opened easily and the contents and graphics that are easily downloaded make the website easily navigable. It results into a pleasant user experience. Thus, the visitors are more likely to visit the site again. The leads thus gained are more likely to be converted into customers.

3. Cultivates loyalty among the customers: A good web design helps cultivate and retain the trust of the customers, thus making them more loyal. It motivates them to visit the website frequently looking for the information they would like to have concerning your products. With the customers more loyal who trust your business, it does not require your business to make much of the effort to achieve conversions.

4. Helps you stay ahead of the competition: With a good web design making it easier for you to gain and retain leads and achieve higher conversions, your business is very likely to stay ahead of the competition. Besides, it generates more revenue as well.

5. Your website gains greater authenticity: As a well created website motivates greater numbers of customers to visit frequently, it adds to its authenticity. The search engines treat it as an authentic website, thus assigning it a prestigious rank in the search result pages. It only serves to draw more of the traffic, making the site even a greater success.

However, if you want to reap all the advantages that a good web design offers, it is highly essential that you hire the web design services from a company that studies all your business requirements first before designing the site for you. It will help ensure a web design as required. Moreover, it would also result into maximum ROI.

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