How Hard Is Digital Marketing In Practice?

The Internet has permeated people’s lives, and it is now possible to acquire not only consumer behavior data and physical store POS data but also behavior data on the Web as concrete data. In promoting corporate activities, there is no way not to use these data.

What methods do you use to promote digital marketing? However, the methods are extremely diverse, and you will need to find the optimal digital marketing method by comparing it with your company’s products, market environment, and resources.

What is “digital marketing”?

Digital marketing utilizes all digital technologies such as search engines, websites, SNS, email, and mobile apps.

Purpose of digital marketing

The goals of digital marketing can be summarized into three main points:

Increase contact with your audience

Marketing aims to connect with the audience at the right place and at the right time. The modern analogy for this is that you need to meet your audience through the many different channels online where they are coming together.

Accumulation of audience data

Digital marketing is not just about providing users with information and solutions. Collecting and utilizing user behavior as data is also the purpose of digital marketing. By accumulating digital data, it has become possible to grasp the real intentions and insights of users that could not be grasped by conventional questionnaires.

Providing information that meets the needs of each individual

By utilizing digital data, it is possible to grasp the problem recognition, actual needs, and latent needs of each user in more detail. Through data analysis, it is possible to identify problems that users have and provide information according to their needs.

Digital marketing techniques and examples

Ideal digital marketing is an activity in which individual digital marketing campaigns are clearly organized to achieve an overall goal. Depending on the objectives and needs of your marketing strategy, it is possible to develop large-scale campaigns by combining free and paid channels.

Here’s an overview of the most common digital marketing techniques and the channels involved in each.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

A website optimization process (SEO) to make your website appear higher on search engine result pages and improve your organic search traffic (or free traffic). Channels that benefit from SEO include:

• Website

• Blog

• Infographic

Content marketing

Production and promotion of content for the purpose of increasing brand awareness, traffic, lead generation, and customer acquisition. Channels that can be leveraged in your content marketing strategy include:

• Blog post

• EBooks and White Papers

• Infographic

• Online Catalog

Social media marketing

It involves the promotion of brands on social media to increase brand awareness, traffic, and lead generation. You can use the following channels for social media marketing:

• Facebook

• Twitter

• LinkedIn

• Instagram

• Snapchat

• Pinterest

PPC (pay-per-click)

A method of increasing traffic to a company’s website by paying a fee according to the number of clicks on online advertisements to the publication media. Google Ads, the most common PPC, is a service that displays your company’s link at the top of Google’s search results and pays a fee according to the number of clicks.

Affiliate marketing

Performance-based advertising allows you to receive referral fees by promoting other companies products and services on your website.

Two main types of affiliate marketing:

1. It is a type in which a reward is paid according to the number of contracts concluded when products are sold via performance-based sites and blogs. In addition to product sales, information-related teaching materials and merchandise with value are also eligible.

2. It is a type in which a reward is paid each time a click-based Ad is clicked. The close rate does not affect rewards. There is also a type of affiliate that combines the click type and the success fee type.

Retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are ads that are tracked and displayed even after the user has left the site.

Retargeting ads have the effect of prompting users to reconsider purchasing a product or service that they did not immediately decide to purchase. The psychology of users who leave the site without making a purchase is in a state of “not sure about purchasing” or “interested but not enough to buy”. You will increase their willingness to purchase by repeatedly appealing to such users.

Marketing automation

This software aims to automate simple tasks in marketing. There are many repetitive tasks in the marketing department that can be automated with less human effort, for example:

• Email newsletter

• Scheduling social media posts

• Update the contact list

• Lead nurturing workflow

• Campaign tracking and reporting

Marketing automation automates these repetitive tasks. It would be more meaningful to introduce it to companies that lack human resources.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a method of communicating with your target audience. In addition to promoting content, discounts, and events, it is also used as a means of guiding people to their own sites. Email marketing campaigns include:

• Newsletter for blog subscribers

• Follow-up emails to visitors who perform downloads on your website

• Welcome email to customers

• End of Year Promotions for Loyalty Program Members

• Email series for customer nurturing purposes (e.g., helpful tips)

Online PR

Online PR refers to activities that leverage content-based websites, such as digital publications and blogs, to create a buzz in earned media. It’s pretty much the same as traditional PR, except that it’s deployed online. Channels that can effectively deploy PR activities include:

• Sending information to reporters using SNS

• Engagement with online reviews

• Engagement with comments posted on personal websites and blogs

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is an online content-based approach to attracting, engaging, and satisfying customers throughout the marketing funnel. An inbound marketing strategy can take advantage of all the digital marketing techniques mentioned above.


If you’re already doing digital marketing, chances are you’ve already caught the eye of some audience online. Still, you can probably think of a few things that could be improved.

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