
best SEO Agency In India


Best SEO Agency In India

Best Off-Page SEO Services from Highly-Rated SEO Professionals in India

Best Off-Page SEO Services in India – At Obiyan Infotech, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional off-page SEO services, all thanks to our seasoned SEO experts in India. Our dedicated team is well-versed with the intricate aspects of off-page optimization, ensuring your website gains the traffic it deserves. We extend various set of services to our clients, from local citation building, link building, social media marketing, guest posting and more.  All these efforts aim to improve your online presence and drive organic growth.

What Is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO uses different techniques to boost a website’s ranking in search results, not just what’s visible on the site itself. This means getting good-quality links from other websites, promoting the website on social media, and asking popular figures to share about it. These steps make search engines see the site as trustworthy and relevant, helping it appear higher in results and attract more visitors.

However, it’s important to remember that off-page SEO is only a piece of the bigger picture. It’s equally crucial to pay attention to content marketing, on-page SEO optimization and the technical SEO aspects of the website. Together, these elements help increase visitors, make sales, and raise income.

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Data Highlighting the Significance of Off-Page SEO

Here are some statistics that underscore the significance of Off-Page SEO:

– Most web pages (approximately 91%) don’t get any organic visits from Google. This shows how vital it is to optimize your website through Off-Page SEO to climb search engine results pages (SERPs).

– Having backlinks from websites with high domain authority (DA) can lift your search engine ranking. So, optimizing Off-Page SEO is important to increase your website’s domain authority along with high ranking in SERPs.

– More than 70% of marketing experts think that creating links is the best Off-Page SEO method to move up in search engine rankings.

What Is Included In Off-Page SEO Services?

Off-page SEO services help improve how search engines see a website, beyond just the site’s content. These services involve getting high-quality backlinks from high DA trusted websites, making interesting content for social media, connecting with well-known figures, and using other ways to make the brand more known. Some other off-page methods include listing the business locally, writing guest posts, and saving links on social platforms.

The main aim of off-page SEO is to make a website seem trustworthy and important to search engines. This can help it appear higher in search results and get more visitors. When paired with on-site SEO, tech-related SEO steps, and content strategies, businesses can build a complete SEO plan that brings more people to their website and helps reach their business goals.

Our OffPage SEO Services Include

We do High-Quality Link Building That Includes:

Local SEO Services & Citations Management

Local SEO Services & Citations Management

Text Infographic Creation and Submissions

Social Sharing

Local Classifieds

Slide Submissions

Q&A Submissions

Alert and Mentions

Guest Blogging

Broken Backlink Building

Resource Link Building

Link Roundups

Competitor Backlink Research

Video Creation & Submissions

A Glimpse into Off-Page SEO Services What Is Link Building?

Link building is an important step in making a website optimized, but many people outside of this field don’t really get what it means. Simply put, it’s about getting backlinks from other websites that point to your own website.

This method has been used since the early stages of website optimization and is still crucial for getting a better ranking in search engine results.

Think of these links as a thumbs-up for your content. If another website links to yours, it tells search engines that what you have is good and worth sharing. So, the more high-quality links you get to your site, the higher you’ll likely appear in search engine results pages (SERPs).

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How Do We Do Link Building?

In our link-building process, we focus on three main things to make sure your backlinks are up to search engine standards. These are: how good they are (quality), how relevant they are (relevancy), and how trustworthy they are (authority).

How Do We Do Link Building?


The relevance of a backlink plays a critical role in its value. For this reason, we put in significant effort to source links from websites that have a direct connection or alignment with your industry or niche, ensuring that the backlinks are not just numerous, but also meaningful and effective.


Quality is about the content and the user’s experience on the website where the link originates. We aim to get backlinks from high-quality sites so that your website is linked to trustworthy and esteemed sources.


We think it’s essential to get links from authoritative sites when building backlinks. We aim to find links from websites known and respected in their specific areas.

We think it’s essential to get links from authoritative sites when building backlinks. We aim to find links from websites known and respected in their specific areas.

What Are Local Citations?

We conduct a comprehensive local citation audit to gather insights about local search patterns and analyze local competitors. We handle every aspect of local listings, from creating new business entries to updating existing and older ones. Additionally, we manage Google My Business (now Google Profile) and claim listings on Google Maps.

We optimize Google My Business pages, ensuring that the business details are current and accurate.

Business name

Website URL


Phone number

Phone number

Importance Of Local Classifieds For Off-Page SEO

Using local classifieds is a smart way to grow off-page SEO. Think of these classifieds as online bulletin boards where businesses can showcase their services and products in specific areas or neighborhoods. When you list your business on these platforms, you’re effectively putting your brand right in front of local customers actively looking for what you offer.

Beyond just visibility, these classifieds help in another significant way. They provide links back to your website, which can boost its ranking on search engines. So not only do you get direct exposure to potential customers, but you also improve your site’s chances of appearing higher in search results, making it a win-win strategy.

Q&A Submissions

Participating in Q&A sites for Off-Page SEO is a smart move to increase traffic and make your website more known. This involves answering questions that users post on various online platforms, such as Quora, Reddit, Yahoo Answers, among others. By consistently offering valuable and informed answers to these questions, you position yourself as an expert in your field. This not only helps in building trust among readers but also encourages them to visit your website.

Moreover, these Q&A platforms are beneficial for off-page SEO because they offer a chance to include links back to your site. These links can boost your website’s search engine ranking and lead interested readers directly to your content, further improving your online presence.

Guest Posting

Guest Posting or Blogging is a popular method to improve your website’s visibility and attract more traffic. It involves writing high-quality articles for other websites, which then have links pointing back to your own site. This technique is great for forming ties with other site owners and getting valuable backlinks to improve your position in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are several benefits to guest blogging. First, it lets you reach a new set of readers who are already interested in your topic. Second, it can position you as an expert in your field by showing off your knowledge and insights. Lastly, it can bring in extra visitors from the host site’s audience.

But it’s important to note that guest blogging should be done thoughtfully, emphasizing the quality of posts over just sheer numbers.

Broken Backlink Building

Broken backlink building is a tactic where you identify non-working links on other websites and propose your own website’s active link as a suitable replacement. The concept is straightforward: if a website has a link that’s no longer functional, it presents an opportunity for you to step in and suggest a relevant link from your website to fill that gap. Doing this can direct more traffic to your website, increase your position in search results, and help you foster meaningful connections with other site managers.

To start this process, you’d begin by hunting for websites related to your area of expertise that are reputable (having good domain authority) but harbor these non-functioning links. Once you pinpoint these, the next step is to craft or tailor content that closely aligns with the original subject of the now-broken link. This often requires putting together new research, penning comprehensive articles or guides, or producing informative visuals like videos or infographics. This approach ensures that the replacement content is not just relevant, but also adds value to the host website and its readers.

Resource Link Building

Resource link building is a great method to improve your website’s SEO. This strategy involves making valuable content, like tutorials or guides, on your site and then asking other related websites to link to your material. By doing this, you can get more visitors from these external sources and also increase your ranking in search engine results.

To get started, think about topics that other websites in your field might find interesting. Write high-quality content that provides clear and helpful advice for the audience. After creating the content, approach other sites in your field, either via email or through social media, and suggest they link to your resource. Always tailor your messages to be specific to the receiver, so it doesn’t seem like a generic request.

Link Roundups

Link roundups are a practical way to showcase and bring together high-quality content from multiple sources. They provide readers with a convenient way to access varied information on a particular topic, all in one place. Over the years, these roundups have gained importance because they eliminate the need for readers to jump from one site to another in search of quality content.

For those who own websites, participating in or being featured in these roundups is a golden opportunity. They can earn valuable backlinks, which play a significant role in determining how a site ranks in search engine results. The logic is pretty straightforward: the more credible links a website garners, the more favorably search engines like Google will view it. So, by producing high-quality content that gets picked for link roundups, website owners stand to increase their site traffic and potentially attract a wider customer base.

Competitor Backlink Research

Analyzing the backlinks of your competitors is an indispensable component in developing a successful SEO strategy. This exploration, which involves identifying industry frontrunners and understanding the sources of their backlinks, permits you valuable insights into their digital strategies and uncovers potential places for your own online growth.

The major advantage of diving deep into competitor backlink research is the strategic edge it offers in the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization. By pinpointing who’s connecting to your competition and why, you can uncover trustworthy and high-value places for your own link-building efforts. Moreover, this thorough analysis can shed light on innovative link-building tactics that perhaps haven’t been on your radar or that might be relatively untapped within your specific industry. This proactive approach ensures you’re not only matching but surpassing the efforts of your competition, ensuring an increased online visibility.

Google Alert And Mentions

Google Alert and Mentions are both powerful tools that let businesses keep tabs on what’s being said about them, their competitors, and industry updates. Google Alerts is a no-cost tool that lets you keep an eye on the internet for specific words or phrases. By setting alerts for things like their company name or products, businesses can get updates when these words pop up online. It’s great for companies that want to see where they’re mentioned on different websites.

Meanwhile, Mentions, which you often find on paid platforms like Hootsuite and Sprout Social, lets businesses follow real-time chats about their brand online. With Mentions, you get a heads-up when someone brings up your brand on places like Twitter or Instagram. It’s perfect for businesses wanting to jump into conversations with folks discussing their services or products on the internet.

Competitor Analysis

At Obiyan Infotech, we analyze the following elements to ensure your website outperforms your competitors.

Backlink Gap

It refers to the differences in the quantity and quality of backlinks between your site and those of your competitors. Recognizing and studying this difference can provide insights for optimizing your link-building approach.

Loading Speed

It relates to the duration a website needs to completely load. A speedy website is important for offering a positive user experience and can influence its ranking in search engine results.

Keyword Gap

It is related to the variations in keywords targeted by your website compared to your competitors’. Recognizing and examining this difference can guide and improve your SEO approach.

Content Quality

This refers to how unique, relevant, and valuable a competitor’s website content is. By assessing the content’s quality, you can pinpoint areas where your own content marketing strategy might be improved.

Website Domain Authority

This represents the power and popularity of a website’s domain name in search engine results. It’s determined by elements like the quantity and quality of backlinks, coupled with the domain’s age and its past track record.

Domain Age

The duration for which a domain has been active and registered can signal a website’s authority, trustworthiness, and reputation. It can also shed light on a competitor’s experience and their sustained presence in the industry.

Why Should You Hire Experts for Off-Page SEO?

Off-Page SEO demands skill, dedication, and the right tools. Bringing in experts for Off-Page SEO offers these advantages to your business:

  • Experts possess the know-how and experience to carry out Off-Page SEO tasks both effectively and swiftly.
  • Being a specialized SEO company, we use top-notch tools and resources to improve our Off-Page SEO services.
  • By delegating Off-Page SEO duties to us, you can allocate your time and resources to other business priorities.

Why Obiyan Infotech For Best Off-Page SEO Services?

Obiyan Infotech is a top digital marketing company renowned for its exceptional On-page SEO services and off-page SEO services tailored for small businesses. With a rich history in the field, the company is recognized for its consistent delivery of outstanding results, propelling businesses to reach their online marketing targets.

A significant factor setting Obiyan Infotech apart in the realm of SEO is our dedicated team of specialists. We boast a roster of experienced SEO experts who are passionate about their work. Their comprehensive understanding on search engine dynamics, combined with staying up-to-date on industry shifts, ensures we employ only the best practices.

Furthermore, what distinguishes Obiyan Infotech from other SEO companies is our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. We recognize the uniqueness of every business, prompting us to adopt a customized approach for each assignment. We invite you to explore our extensive range of SEO and off-page SEO packages, and select what suits best with your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Off-page SEO refers to activities performed outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). The key elements of off-page SEO include organic backlinks, social signals, guest posting, content marketing, social bookmarking, Q&A forum, infographics and many more. Find detailed analysis in this web page contents.

Off-page SEO aims to improve a website’s visibility using external methods like securing backlinks from reputable sites, engaging on social media, contributing guest posts to relevant websites, and collaborating with influencers. In contrast, On-page SEO involves optimizing specific components directly on the website, including its content, header tags, title tags and meta descriptions.

A top recommendation for Off-page SEO is to focus on building links. This involves encouraging other websites to create hyperlinks pointing to your site. Collecting more high-quality backlinks improves your site’s perceived credibility with search engines such as Google. Numerous methods exist for securing links, such as contributing guest articles, replacing broken links, and designing infographics or videos that others want to share.

The significance of off-page SEO is paramount as it influences important factors determining your website’s ranking. Primarily, signals from off-page SEO are crucial metrics that search engines, including Google, use to gauge a website’s credibility and significance.

The effects of Off-Page SEO on your website’s rank and traffic might not be evident for several months.

No, backlinks aren’t all the same. Links from reputable, trusted sites carry more SEO weight than those from low-quality or dubious sources i.e. spammy backlinks.

Grow Your Business with Our eCommerce SEO Experts

According to research by BrightEdge, organic search is responsible for driving 53% of traffic to eCommerce sites. In other words, over half of all site visitors find their way there through search engines like Google. Further, it is worth noting that 75% of users do not look beyond the first page of search results. So, if your website doesn’t appear on Google’s first page, you’re potentially losing a significant amount of traffic.

These figures underscore the continued importance of organic search as a powerful tool for directing traffic and sales to eCommerce websites. If your website isn’t already optimized for organic search, it’s high time to seriously consider doing so. With a well-thought-out strategy and proper implementation, you could see remarkable results.