
WordPress SEO Services


SEO Services like never before!

WordPress SEO Company

WordPress SEO Agency for Highly-Rated SEO Services!

Searching for a WordPress SEO Company in India? You’re in the right spot with Obiyan Infotech! We give top-notch WordPress SEO services and keep it budget-friendly. WordPress is super popular, running about 80% of websites— that’s 75 million sites! It’s easy to use and helps businesses show off their stuff to online customers really well.

seo competitor analysis

A Top WordPress SEO Company in India: Improving 500+ WordPress Websites Obiyan Infotech is a leading WordPress SEO Company that helps all kinds of businesses use the power of Search Engine Optimization to bring quality traffic to their websites. With over ten years of experience in tweaking WordPress websites, we know the ins and outs of WordPress website optimization, promising our clients quick and powerful results.

WordPress is good for SEO, but having a professional WordPress SEO Company can help your site rank even higher. Plus, it saves you time that you can use to grow your business. Learn about the SEO perks of using WordPress to make websites. 

Interesting Facts About WordPress

wordpress facts

How Can a WordPress SEO Company Assist Your WordPress Website in Achieving Higher Rankings?

Obiyan Infotech, a WordPress SEO company, can help make your website show up better in search engine results by tweaking your content, making sure your website is set up right, and creating backlinks. There are a few reasons you might want to work with a WordPress SEO company. For starters, WordPress makes it pretty easy to set up your site for search engines even if you don’t know a lot about SEO. Also, many companies, like Obiyan Infotech, know a lot about making WordPress websites get noticed by search engines.

Obiyan Infotech, a WordPress SEO company, has successfully handled more than 500 WordPress SEO projects. We offer all kinds of WordPress SEO Services together in one place. We achieve great results using organic methods to help your business grow. Our skilled WordPress SEO Experts are dedicated to helping businesses create a strong online presence.

We can help your WordPress website shine, whether you’re looking to get the top spot in WordPress SEO Ranking or boost your brand image with WordPress SEO. We offer different SEO Packages to give your WordPress website the best chance to be seen in the market.

WordPress SEO Services work to make your website show up higher on search engine pages, helping you get more visitors. Our skilled team uses up-to-date strategies and tools to boost your website’s visibility and increase the number of people who find it through search. We offer a bunch of WordPress SEO Services, including making individual pages better, researching keywords, creating backlinks, and more. Our help is aimed at making sure you get the most from your WordPress website.

What Does WordPress SEO Include in Its Services?

WordPress SEO includes various services designed to boost your WordPress website’s visibility and rankings on search engines. Here are the main services involved in WordPress SEO:

What Does WordPress SEO Include in Its Services?

On-Page SEO

Making each webpage better to get higher spots on search engines. This includes fixing up URLs, headings, content, meta tags, and pictures.

On Page SEO

Off-Page SEO

Doing things outside of your website to make it more visible and trusted. This includes creating backlinks, reaching out to influencers, using social media marketing, and using other strategies to make your website more authoritative.

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Making the technical parts of your website better to help it show up more on search engines. This means making the website faster, easy to use on mobile phones, organizing it well, making sure it can be indexed, and using proper XML sitemaps and canonicalization.

Technical SEO

Integration of Yoast SEO (or a Comparable Plugin)

Setting up and adjusting well-known SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO, Rank Math, or All in One SEO Pack. These plugins assist in optimizing things on your pages, handling meta tags, creating XML sitemaps, and doing more to help your site.

SEO Audit

Carrying out a thorough check of your website's SEO, finding what's working, what needs fixing, and how to get better. This involves looking at things on your pages, off-pages, technical aspects, backlinks, and more.

Competitor Analysis

Exploring other companies' websites and SEO methods helps us improve our own approach. By examining their keywords, content, backlinks, and additional SEO strategies, we can identify their tactics, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and devise a stronger SEO plan to outshine them in search engine rankings.

Backlink Analysis

Checking how many and what quality of links point to your website. This means finding bad links, looking at different anchor texts, making sure links are relevant, and keeping track of new and lost links. This ensures we understand how other sites connect to ours and helps us keep our website's backlink profile healthy and beneficial for our SEO efforts.

Keyword Research And Optimization

Identifying the right words that people might use to find your kind of business and making sure your website uses these words in its content, tags, and other places. This involves looking at how often the words are searched, how many others are using them, and understanding why people use them in searches.

Content Optimization

Optimizing current content and making new content that fits with the important words we want to target, how users think, and good SEO rules. This includes making text easy to read, using the right headings, putting in keywords in a natural way, and making sure the content is top-notch.

Local SEO (If Applicable)

Making your website show up for local searches by focusing on local keywords, making your Google My Business profile better, building local backlinks, and being listed in local directories.

Website Speed Optimization

Making your website load faster to give users a better experience and help SEO rankings. This includes minimizing HTTP requests, using browser caching, and optimizing images.

Mobile Optimization

Making sure your website works well on phones and other mobile devices is key. Google thinks mobile-friendly sites are important and helps them appear higher in search results. We need to ensure a great visit for users on all kinds of mobile devices.

Schema Markup

Putting in place schema markup, which is a kind of structured data, gives extra information to search engines and can help improve how your search results appear and get more clicks. This helps search engines understand your website better and shows users more useful info in the search results.

Every one of these services is vital for making your WordPress website show up better in search engines, getting seen more, bringing in visitors without ads, and in the end, helping your business to grow.

Our Offerings in WordPress SEO Services

Making your WordPress website better for search engine optimization (SEO) means helping it show up higher in search engine results. This helps more people see your website without paying for ads. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to improve your WordPress site for SEO:

Keyword Research

Identify right words and phrases that people might use to search for your website. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer or SEMrush to discover popular and related keywords. These tools help you see what words people are using to find stuff online.

Select an SEO-Optimized Domain and Hosting

Select a domain name that represents your brand or primary keyword. Choose a dependable and speedy web hosting provider to assure your website performs well, as this is important for SEO rankings.

Set Up and Configure SEO Plugins

Set up an SEO tool such as Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack. Adjust the tool's settings to enhance parts of your page like titles, short descriptions, simple web addresses, and site maps.

Improve User Experience

Make sure your website is easy and fun for people to use by having clear buttons to click on, easy-to-follow menus, and helpful prompts. This helps SEO because people stay on your site longer and visit more pages, which search engines like to see.

Optimize Website Structure And URLs

Ensure your website has an easy-to-follow setup and straightforward navigation. Make sure the web addresses (URLs) are short, easy to understand, and use important keywords. This makes them clear and helpful for both visitors and search engines.

Optimize Media And Images

Compress images to improve website loading speed and use alt text for images and descriptive file names, include important keywords wherever you can.

Develop and Submit a Sitemap

Create an XML sitemap with your SEO plugin and share it with Google and Bing using their respective webmaster tools. Doing so aids search engines in effectively crawling and indexing your site.

Optimize Website Speed

Boost your site's loading speed by optimizing images, reducing HTTP requests, and utilizing browser caching. Employ tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to spot and fix speed-related issues.

Ensure Mobile-Friendly Optimization

Verify that your website is optimized for mobile usage and is responsive. Google prioritizes mobile-optimized websites in its search rankings

Optimize For Local SEO (If Applicable):

If your business caters to a local market, tailor your SEO for local search. Achieve this by establishing and optimizing your Google My Business listing, including keywords location based, and securing local backlinks.

Build High-Quality Backlinks

Get good backlinks from websites that are respected and related to your topic. Using guest articles, sharing content, and reaching out to other sites can help get these valuable backlinks

Optimize On-Page Components

Make great content for each page or post. Use special keywords in titles, headings, and descriptions. Use different size headings (like H1, H2, H3) to make the content easy to read.

Regularly Monitor & Analyze Performance

Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to check how your website is doing. Watch how it ranks for certain words, see how users behave, and find spots to get better. Change your SEO strategy based on what you learn.

KPIs for WordPress SEO Success We Prioritize

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential in evaluating the success and impact of your WordPress SEO initiatives.

Consider the following important KPIs to gauge the success of your WordPress SEO efforts:


Organic Traffic:

Evaluate the quantity of users reaching your website via organic search. An uplift in organic traffic points to a fruitful SEO approach.

Keyword Positions:

Keep an eye on how your target keywords are performing in search engine rankings. Ascending positions in keyword ranks signal SEO advancements.

Click-Through Rate (CTR):

Observe the proportion of users who click on your website’s link when it appears in search results. A greater CTR reveals that your titles and meta descriptions are resonating with users.

Bounce Rate:

Examine the percentage of visitors who exit your website after viewing just a single page. A reduced bounce rate implies your content is capturing and retaining visitor interest.

Average Time Spent:

Calculate the typical duration visitors linger on your website. Extended visit durations generally signify content that holds value and engagement for the reader.

Conversion Rate:

Monitor the percentage of users who perform a desired activity, like submitting a form, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter. An elevated conversion rate highlights SEO effectiveness in motivating user actions.

Successful Goal Achievements:

Count the instances of completed objectives (such as form submissions, downloads, purchases) deriving from organic search traffic.

Page Load Speed:

Keep track of the speed at which your web pages load. Quicker loading times enhance user experience and can positively influence SEO.

Pages Viewed per Visit:

Calculate the average number of pages that a user explores during a single session. A heightened pages per visit metric indicates content that keeps users engaged and a navigable website.

Indexing Status:

Keep tabs on the quantity of your website’s pages indexed by search engines. Making sure vital pages are indexed is pivotal for search visibility.

Backlink Profile:

Observe the count and quality of backlinks directed to your website. Backlinks of superior quality can affirmatively influence your site’s authority and SEO.

Local SEO Measurements (if applicable to local businesses):

• Monitor pertinent metrics such as local search rankings, impressions on local searches, digital reviews, and appearances in local search packs.

Mobile User Traffic and Readiness:

Track the percentage of web traffic originating from mobile gadgets and evaluate your website’s mobile-friendly status. Assuring mobile optimization is vital for SEO.

Social Media Interaction and Shares:

Keep track of the quantity and type of interactions – like shares, likes, and comments – your content receives on social media platforms. These social interactions can have an indirect effect on SEO.

Website Audit Healthiness:

Periodically perform SEO website audits to scrutinize your website’s wellness, checking for technical glitches, broken links, and other SEO-centric factors.

Continuously keep an eye on these KPIs, study the information, and make smart choices to polish and boost your WordPress SEO plan for improved outcomes and performance.

What is the Price of SEO for WordPress?

The price for SEO services on a WordPress site can differ based on the agency, how big the website is, and what kind of work is needed. Generally, prices go from about $500 to $2,000 each month. But, some agencies might ask for a one-time payment instead.

WordPress SEO services help businesses get seen more on search engines. This means making website content better, improving titles on pages and short descriptions, using keywords with images, and making a plan to get more links using content marketing services.

Companies wanting to be more visible online might think about hiring a WordPress SEO company. The expert team at Obiyan Infotech helps WordPress websites get better SEO results, quickly and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions For SEO Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis means looking at your rivals’ online activities to learn about their SEO plans. This involves checking things like their website’s domain authority, the quality of their content, their backlinks, how fast their website loads, and their keyword plans.

Understanding what your competitors are doing well in SEO helps you see where you might need to get better. This process, called competitor analysis, is key because it helps you make your own plan stronger and gives you an advantage.

Key parts to look at in competitor analysis include website domain authority, how good the content is, the backlink profile, how fast it loads, and the keyword strategy. Other things like how they use social media and online reviews might also be important, depending on what kind of business you have.

Numerous tools, including Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush are available for competitor analysis. These platforms offer insights into your competitors’ SEO strategy, shedding light on their content, backlinks and keywords.

You should check what your competitors are doing often, because their SEO strategies can change over time. Depending on your type of business or industry and how much competition there is, you might need to do this every month or every few months.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress SEO Services

WordPress is easy for search engines to read from the get-go. All the stuff on your website can be seen by search engines, and you can pick how your titles and descriptions are displayed in their search results. Plus, you can use extra tools, known as plugins, to make your website even more SEO-friendly.

There are several tools to help you with SEO on your WordPress website, but picking the best one depends on what you need and how much money you want to spend. Popular tools include Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, and Rank Math. Yoast SEO is free and gives you tips to make your content better for search engines. All in One SEO Pack is also free, helps with making content search-engine friendly, and has extra features, though it might be a bit harder to use. Rank Math, another free tool, is getting popular and has many handy features like automatically creating sitemaps and helping with keyword research.

Yoast SEO is a tool for WordPress that comes in two versions: free and paid. The free version gives you some basic tools to help make your website easier to find on search engines. You can edit titles, create simple site maps, and even add breadcrumbs which help people navigate your website. If you go for the paid version, you get extra features like being able to optimize for more keywords, connect better with social media, and manage redirects which guide visitors from deleted pages to new ones. Yoast SEO is handy because it helps make websites more search engine-friendly in an easy-to-understand way, supporting businesses in getting their website to appear higher in search results.

WordPress is a well-liked system (called a Content Management System or CMS) that helps run lots of websites. People really like using WordPress because it’s great at helping websites show up in search engine results – that’s often called being “SEO-friendly”. Even without doing anything special, WordPress websites are usually pretty easy for search engines to understand. But, if you want to make your WordPress site even easier for search engines to read, there are a couple of simple things you can do.

First, you might decide to use a special tool, like the Yoast SEO plugin. This tool helps you make sure your website uses keywords (which are important words that tell search engines what your site is about) in a smart way. It also helps you make your site easy to read and it’s useful for both beginners and pros.

Next, it’s smart to use titles and descriptions on your pages and posts that include your keywords. This helps your site show up in search engine results when people look for those words.

Last, always make sure your website is using the newest version of WordPress. Keeping things up-to-date helps everything run smoothly and securely.

WordPress is liked by many because it’s easy to use, flexible, and has lots of cool features. A lot of folks think that websites made with WordPress tend to do really well in search engine results. That’s because WordPress is made in a way that makes it easy for search engines to understand and like a website.

Picking between HTML and WordPress for SEO can be a bit tricky since each has its own pluses and minuses affecting how your website might show up in search engine results. HTML, which has been around for a long time, is used to create straightforward, static websites. These HTML sites can be quicker and simpler to build than WordPress ones, but they might not be as friendly to search engines, potentially appearing lower in Google search results. On the other hand, WordPress allows you to easily build lively websites and is the top choice for creating various types of sites. This is thanks to its wide variety of features and add-ons which let you do a range of things, from starting a blog to adding a shop to your site.

Experts in WordPress SEO help companies make their websites show up better online. They know how to change settings and content so that it gets noticed more by search engines. They also help make a full plan for promoting the business website on the internet. This way, customers can find the website easily and might visit it more often.

WordPress SEO experts usually ask for a monthly fee. The cost can change based on the website’s size and details. They usually analyze your website, identify any issues, and make a plan to help your site show up better in search engine results. They might also give you monthly reports to keep you informed about your site’s progress.

When searching for an SEO package, remember a few important things. First, think about the size of your business. Smaller businesses might not need all the services an SEO company provides and might do well with just the basics like keyword research and on-page optimization.

Next, keep your budget in mind. SEO packages can be pricey, and might not fit into everyone’s budget. If money is tight, try to find a company that offers discounts or payment plans.

Lastly, think about the company’s experience and reputation. Choose someone with a good history and knowledge in the field.

SEO is a big part of online marketing and helps your website show up higher on search engine pages. This can bring more people to your website and turn them into customers. If you’re thinking about getting an SEO package, you might be wondering about the cost.

The price of SEO packages can change based on how big and tricky the job is. Smaller jobs usually cost less than bigger ones. Prices might range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars.

Remember, SEO is a continual job, not a one-time thing. You’ll likely need to pay a monthly fee to keep everything up-to-date. Spending money on an SEO package can be a smart way to help your business succeed.

There are many SEO packages available, but is buying one a smart choice? Whether it’s worthwhile depends on your business situation. If your business is new, using an SEO package might help your website show up higher in search engine results, which is really helpful. If you’re trying to boost where your website ranks, thinking about an SEO package is a good idea.

However, if your business has been around for some time and your website is already doing well, an SEO package might not be valuable enough to be worth the price. In this situation, you might decide to put your focus and money into different parts of your marketing plan.

SEO isn’t something you do just once. It’s a continuous effort, especially because the rules of search engines (like Google) keep changing. That’s why many SEO experts suggest using SEO services every month.

Having SEO services every month helps make sure your website is always set up to get the best spot possible in search engine rankings. It also lets you see how your website is doing and make changes if needed.

If you want your website to have lasting success, monthly SEO is crucial. It helps your website stay visible in search engine results, which helps more people visit your site and supports your business.

Indeed, handling SEO by yourself is an option, but it’s vital to recognize that it demands ongoing effort and careful attention. Enlisting the expertise of professional SEO services can guide you to ensure that your website consistently operates at peak performance.

SEO involves many considerations, including ensuring your website is coded for easy search engine access, possessing quality content, and acquiring links from other websites. If this feels overwhelming or time-consuming, considering hiring an SEO agency might be a good idea.

SEO agencies bring a wealth of experience in optimizing websites for search engines and can assist in elevating your website’s rank above your competitors. They also aid in crafting content poised for good ranking and traffic generation.

However, before employing an SEO agency, it’s vital to conduct thorough research.

When searching for an SEO package, remember a few important things. First, think about the size of your business. Smaller businesses might not need all the services an SEO company provides and might do well with just the basics like keyword research and on-page optimization.

Next, keep your budget in mind. SEO packages can be pricey, and might not fit into everyone’s budget. If money is tight, try to find a company that offers discounts or payment plans.

Lastly, think about the company’s experience and reputation. Choose someone with a good history and knowledge in the field.

There isn’t a single, clear-cut answer to this question because an SEO expert’s tasks can significantly differ based on a client or company’s distinct needs. Generally, an SEO professional enhances a website’s search engine position by refining its content and layout for keywords, constructing backlinks, and amplifying its overall online presence. Additionally, they might employ assorted analytical tools to monitor the website’s evolution and efficacy over time

Understanding the cost of SEO, or making your website show up better in places like Google, can be tricky. Some people think it’s super valuable, while others may not see its worth. But, most agree that high-quality SEO isn’t free.

So, what’s the price tag on SEO? Well, it’s not straightforward. The cost can change a lot depending on your website size, how many special words (or keywords) you want to focus on, and how much work your website needs. In general, though, you might pay anywhere from a few hundred dollars each month to a few thousand for expert SEO help.

Remember, you don’t always need a professional to boost your website’s position on Google. There are ways to do it yourself, and many are free or don’t cost much.

Thinking about SEO, especially for small businesses, brings up a lot of thoughts. It can be tricky to figure out if spending the money and time is the right choice.

SEO is something that keeps going; it needs regular time and work. Before jumping in, it’s key to learn and know what’s involved.

You can do several things to boost your website’s SEO without spending too much. Making your titles and descriptions better, writing great content, and getting backlinks can all boost how well your website does in search engines.

If you want quick results, you might think about paid SEO services. But keep in mind, they can cost a bit and there’s no promise they’ll always do what you hope.

In a world where companies always try to be number one on search engine pages, figuring out if SEO is worth spending money and time on can be hard, especially for small businesses with not a lot of resources.

The happy news? SEO can indeed work for smaller businesses, but it’s not a super-fast or easy solution. It takes continued effort and time to see changes, and you have to keep working on it to stay competitive.

However, SEO is one of the most budget-friendly ways to find new customers on the internet. With a strong plan, you can look forward to more people visiting your website and more leads and conversions.

While there’s no surefire method to guarantee your website will appear on Google’s first page of search results, there are steps you can take to boost its SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and improve its chances of being found on Google.

Firstly, it’s vital that your website is crafted with SEO in mind, ensuring all your content is full of relevant keywords. Spread keywords throughout your website, in titles, descriptions, and the main text. When linking to other pages on your site, use keyword-filled anchor text. Also, register your website with Google Webmaster Tools to keep an eye on how well it’s doing in Google searches. Lastly, submit your website to Google’s indexing service and get others to link to your site.

Various reasons might be why your website isn’t showing up on Google. One possibility is that your website isn’t set up in a way that search engines like. To enhance your spot on Google, make sure your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and image alt texts are all correctly filled out. Also, ensure your website content is high quality and has lots of important keywords. Another way to boost your ranking is by having other trustworthy websites link to yours. If you’re not sure how to set up your website or get links, it might be a good idea to talk to a professional SEO company.

Absolutely, we take into account every single need of our clients and then personalize their package to best fit their requirements.

Obiyan Infotech recognizes that businesses can change, so we offer the ability to alter SEO packages for our clients. With us, you can easily switch your package from one type to another.

Organizing packages into categories like Basic, Intermediate, and Advance assists us in delivering the outcomes our clients seek. These options enable our customers to meet their needs while adhering to their budget.

We accept money by wire transfer and cheques.