10 Tips to Use Social Media Marketing to Boost SEO

An effective marketing strategy concerning digital marketing often makes use of social media marketing to further optimize search engine optimization. However, various types of businesses require social media to be used in various ways.

Most of the brands use social media in order to:

  • drive traffic to your website
  • increase brand awareness
  • drive sales of products and services

How does Social Media actually boost SEO?

Social activity at various social media platforms makes a powerful impact on the search engine rankings. Besides, PPC, apart from making use of various other ways of drawing the paid traffic also enhances the benefits of SEO, drawing a huge traffic, and hence, more of the potential leads. Though there is no direct link in between the social media and the search results displayed by the major search engines, even Google, no business can take the prominent social media marketing platforms for granted.

The suitably chosen social media Marketing platform provides a good exposure to your business. The more the likes and shares that your posts receive, the greater is the probability of getting the links from various websites. These back links contribute more in getting you into the good books of Google than what you could have imagined. Thus, Google assigns a higher rank to your site than what you might have anticipated.

And once, your website is ranked higher than that of your competitor’s, your posts at the social media platform are likely to get a greater number of likes and shares, thus resulting into much greater traffic to your website. And a continuation of the cycle would yield greater traffic to your website and a greater number of leads as well.

Here are a few tips to use Social Media to boost SEO

1. It’s advisable to match the social media profile with the one at the website: doing so would help the use of social media and SEO help each other to a considerable extent. Making the following considerations would help improve the brand image, apart from making your social media account more authentic.

  • opting for a username that’s same as the website’s URL
  • the keywords (specifically used to introduce) should match those used in the content of your website as the keywords play a very important role while Google assigns a rank to your website in the results for various searches

2. What principles does your brand stand for? Both the social media channel chosen by you, and your website should represent the principles that your brand stands for. If you want your efforts at the social media to platform to be more fruitful, it’s advisable to keep in mind that your site and the social media profiles, in case, if they synchronize well, and use the attribute to promote your brand in sync with each other, would only result in enabling your business site reap the most important of the SEO advantages.

3. Make the content intriguing: make use of intriguing content that seem to compel the visitors to click at it. The content is what drives the traffic to click at the social media posts. Thus, it gives Google good reason that your website is being visited frequently rather than being a deserted area. Besides, there should be reason enough for the visitors to like and share the content. It will help you gain more of the followers yielding greater numbers of visitors.

4. Target the specific audience: If the traffic from the social media platform is directed to your website, it’s a great indication that they are the right kind of the audience that actually needed to be targeted for they are visiting your website after gaining a familiarity at the social media marketing platform. Thus, you may succeed in getting the kind of the leads that can be converted more easily.

5. Get into the mainstream of the community: Apart from raising a considerable following, the use of various relevant social media platforms also brings you to the notice of various considerable influences in the industry. Thus, various brands, apart from yours, who publish frequently, are likely to get keen to include you, thus giving you the advantage of authentic back links.

6. Your posts should include images: Images attract the attention of the visitors to the extent that many are likely to click at the image without paying much of attention to the caption or the post beneath it. Thus, an attractive image automatically engages the attention of the people. Besides, making use of the relevant keywords in the caption and/or the post might be an added advantage.

7. Hashtag Wisely: A hash tag, if placed suitably, can boost the SEO in multiple ways. It’s so because a hash tag provides the suitable keywords that match with the content at your web pages. Besides, it helps the new visitors to search for information to reach you at the social media platform. Thus, they access your profile and click upon your links across the web. Further, because of Google’s partnership with Twitter, hash tags are included in the search engine results by Google. Thus, it obviously results in more of back links, adding greater authenticity to your website.

8. Boost posts for the new landing pages: Boost posts at the social media serves to boost SEO further. Considering your budget, you may opt for doing the same during a selected time when you specifically need to promote your products. For example, ads for the new landing pages, new blogs, product lines, etc., may help the content get easily indexed by Google.

9. Make use of the platforms with the DOFOLLOW links: you need not deep delve into the complex codes. Some of the websites automatically allow the NOFOLLOW links, thus leaving others as DOFOLLOW. The former are not acknowledged by the search engines whereas the latter are.

10. Keep a track of the quality: it’s advisable to make sure that your content at the social media platform receives the likes and shares. Besides, the type of the content should vary to keep the audience interested. It’s advisable to include sneak previews, user-generated content, long-content stories, details of your products and services etc. These efforts of yours would help enhance your brand image, apart from making your connection with the followers and influencers much stronger.

However, it should never be forgotten that social media needs to be used in a suitable manner so that a considerable traffic from the required targeted audience is directed to your business website. And the point to be noted is that it’s not that simple and easy an exercise to use social media marketing in order to make the most of SEO than what it seems to be at the first instance. However, the tips given above would help you considerably.

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